Dream Bird

Dream Bird

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baby Cardigan - Bear Hugs by Plymouth yarn

Completed - Feb. 24, 2010

Okay, here are all the pieces of the baby cardigan. I am almost done, and I might be done before mid week! I am happy with this little piece. I am not sure if I read the instructions correctly, but I am still pleased for my first baby cardigan (using a pattern). I am hoping to put the pieces and edging on late tonight.

Update on baby cardigan sweater - Finished one sleeve and started the other sleeve.

Here is what the finished pieces look like before they are put together. I am hoping to be done with this by mid week. Once the sleeves are done. I will be edging the baby cardigan. I am almost done with one of the other baby blankets I started around the same time.

Update on the baby cardigan sweater - Finished the back, Left front,Right front.

I have been working on this sweater late, late in the evenings. I finally finished the fronts of the cardigan. It is late so I will go for now and will keep you updated.

update on the Baby Cardigan Sweater - Back, Left Front

I have been busy, so I have not been able to finish this cute sweater. I did however, finish the left front of the cardigan, and starting the right front of the cardigan. I just have to remind myself to reverse the neckline. I should have had this done a week ago. I just might have it done this week..crossing fingers.

Started Feb 22,2010 - Update on the Baby Cardigan Sweater - Back part

I finished the back of the pink caridgan sweater this evening.
I knitted the back 10 inches long and ended it with the wrong side. I then casted off loosely (bind off).

I started to the left front of the sweater. I am using size US 7 signle point needles for the first 6 rows ending with the wrong side. I will switch up to the US 8single point needls, and will continue the knit/garter stitch for 5 1/2 inches ending with the right side row.

Once I finish the left front I will up date you on the shaping the neck of the sweater. I am using a pattern so I am making it slow..

I have been knitting and crocheting since I was 9 years old, that I can remember. However, my mom might say I have started at an ealier age than that, she would know she and my grandmother taught me. I was taught by looking at a finished knitted and/or finished crochet piece. I was not taught to read a pattern, so patterns are a little difficult for me. I know some terms, but putting it all together is so confusing to me, just let me look at the finished product and let me figure it out from there! *laughing*

I am attempting to read a pattern and make a baby cardigan sweater. I am using Plymouth yarn - Bear Hugs -

I am starting with the back first - I cast on 40 stitch on a size US 7 knitting needle and doing a garter stitch for 6 rows. I will then switch up to a US 8 knitting needle for the next 9 1/2 inches.

I will keep you updated. Let me know how you think I am doing. I want to learn and teach myself how to read patterns to improve that technique and challenge myself in that area!

Happy Knitting until next time!

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